H2 Medical Technologies is part of the H2 Global Group s.r.o., whose purpose is research, development, production and service of innovative devices in the field of molecular hydrogen. We cooperate with research and educational organizations on an international level. The goal of H2 Medical Technologies is to offer a working, simple and effective solution in areas where the use of molecular hydrogen is already a necessity. Molecular hydrogen has proven effects thanks to its properties, and thanks to this we are able to quickly and efficiently deliver innovative solutions in various forms.
It is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas. It is so small that it penetrates the entire body and interferes with a number of biochemical reactions. It is the most powerful and selective antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. It is natural for the body, it is formed by the bacteria of the intestinal tract, and it is completely safe, there are no recorded adverse effects, and the only intermediate product of its reactions is water, which hydrates the body.
The effectiveness and safety of molecular hydrogen is confirmed by clinical studies. STUDIE
According to a study from FTK, molecular hydrogen can speed up recovery after covid-19
Our results demonstrated that 14 days of regular H2 inhalation can be considered an effective rehabilitation approach to improve both physical and respiratory functions in patients after acute illness of COVID-19." Doc. PhDr. Michal Botek, Ph.D.
The trouble-free operation of our generators is carefully monitored by the development, innovation, education and service center of H2 Medical Technologies, which is the first and only center of its kind in Europe in the field of applied research on the use of hydrogen in medicine. The center is located in Ostrava.
Market research
Research & Development
Patents and utility models
Design and manufacture
Generating ideas